Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Students come face to face with a 'real-life' cyborg

On Wednesday 11 December, a group of A Level Computing students visited the Science Centre at Staffordshire University for the annual Christmas Lecture.

The speaker was Professor Kevin Warwick from Reading University, and he gave a fascinating lecture entitled ‘Robots, Cyborgs and the Ghosts of Christmas Future’.  Professor Warwick gave an insight into the research he is undertaking, including demonstrations of robots that are learning to think for themselves, and some video clips of robots that have human brain cells implanted in them. 

He also showed us a clip of the surgery that he underwent to have a silicon chip implanted into the nervous system in his arm, and then how he was able to communicate ‘brain to brain’ with his wife when she had a similar chip implanted into her nervous system.  NULC students found this lecture fascinating, and it gave an insight into how research in the future will take us further into the realms of artificial intelligence.


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