Wednesday, 3 November 2010

A Level students investigate existence of ET!

Students at Newcastle-under-Lyme College (NULC) had the chance to meet a well-known Scientist who researches the possibilities of extra terrestrial life recently.

Lewis Dartnell, a researcher based at University College London (UCL), is an ‘Astrobiologist’, a researcher looking into where life might exist beyond Earth.

Alongside his research, Dartnell writes regular science articles in newspapers and magazines and has published a popular science book introducing astrobiology, “Life in the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide”.

Dartnell talked the students about his job role, and what qualifications he had to undertake at college and university to achieve his dream job.

He also gave the students facts about the solar system and talked about what motivates him to research further into life beyond earth.

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