Would you like to get involved with the design of the new NULC 2012-2013 full-time prospectus? Would you like to see your ideas to come to life? We need your help to find out what worked and what didn’t, what you liked and what you didn’t! As we start to research design and content for the new prospectus we would love to hear your views, because you are the people that matter.
If you haven’t already had a look at the current NULC full-time prospectus then take a look by clicking this link and then downloading the ‘Full-time prospectus 11-12’... http://www.nulc.ac.uk/pages/global/downloads.aspx
Then once you've had a flick through it, simply follow the link below and fill in the survey to share your views with us...http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LGN3YNP